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Progress Report Wk2

Vishal Chhetri
3 min readNov 27, 2019


My Frustrating Journey So Far…

This is the second week of my commitment to becoming a web dev in 6 months!

I had to literally push myself to write this update. If it hadn’t been for my commitment, I would have skipped. Why? I barely logged in 15 hours of learning this week! It was mostly because of poor internet connectivity! I couldn’t open a web page without have to wait for few minutes. It was frustrating and despairing to say the least. Needless to say, I didn’t make much progress.

Core Learning

  1. My Codecademy report says that I completed another 16% of JS this week — nothing much to be proud of. My target was to complete this beginner’s course and then begin Codewar challenges. This 16% progress came mostly from working on functions — expressions, declarations, calling functions, etc. The concept was difficult to wrap my head around.
  2. Before getting head-on in my personal Bootstrap project, I wanted to revise HTML5 and CSS3. Thankfully, the Zero to Mastery videos that I had downloaded came to the rescue. I was able to finish the two parts . Now with Flexbox and few other topics remaining, I will be able to complete the revision this week. And, I can’t wait to jump into Bootstrap 4!


I keep learning about the coding world — read various sites and articles that I come across. I have listed some of the more interesting ones:

I am intrigued by the #100DaysOfCode challenge and will probably join in the near future.

Activities and Project

  1. My Bootstrap Project: I have to come clean. Last week, I committed myself to developing a fully functional Bootstrap website by December 20. This looks really tough now. Both, because of my shitty internet connectivity and the sheer volume of knowledge that I need to do accomplish that. I overcommitted — but my commitment is still on.
  2. Github/Stackoverflow: Watched an interesting Github tutorial on YouTube. All the jargon now seems to make some sense. I am also actively searching my queries on Stackoverflow now, but all the pieces of the software is yet to sink in.
  3. Overwhelmed: I almost got a panic attack after going through this article:

The sheer volume of knowledge a developer is required to know as shown in DevOps Roadmap is mind-boggling for a beginner. I wasn’t sure if I did the right thing giving so much time and energy into this learning!

But, I have decided to go on — to push myself daily and see how far I can go!



Vishal Chhetri

Father, husband, writer, aspiring coder. A quintessential observer of everything life has to offer in between those titles!